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Family Matters Radio
.Due to technical difficulties we are unable to go live . Stay tune for our live online programs.
Welcome to the official website of Outreach God Ministries. Containing informations of Family Praise & Worship center, Family Care and Family Matters radio .
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Apostle Ginette Vialet Celebrates 10th years of ministry.
It's been a decade since Outreach God Ministries first started through social media and mission trips. On this giving Tuesday we ask you to support us to preach and teach Jesus Christ and bring hope to others.
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Thank you for giving.
Outreach God Ministries is Organization founded in 2012 as a non profit corporation; that provides Education Support Services , The Outreach , and to promulgate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to families and communities across US and aboard
OGM is internet and radio programming founded by
Apostle Ginette Vialet in 2011.
"Yea, so have I strives to preach the gospel not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation."
Brief Biography
Ginette Vialet was born and raised in Haiti in a strict Christian home and attended Christian school. In 2001 she became a U.S. citizen. In 2008 she recommitted her life to Christ and has been called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God ministering the word under anointing of the Holy Spirit. She has preached and teaches in stadiums, on the radio, and in many other different locations. In 2010 her weekly radio broadcast program was transmitted over a few select stations to a million people worldwide.

A message from the Singer, Songwriter, DR, Apostle, & President of OGM:
Dear Brethren, God's people,
I've worked in health care as a Physician Aides, in hospital, nursing home, and also as a school and coach bus Operator for the State of New Jersey & New York while raising three beautiful children. In 2009 I lost both of my parents, and my home; my 19 year-old son, Jerry, tragically lost his life on Aug , 2012. Through it all, I accepted my great gospel call to preach the word of Christ, to praise the Lord, and continue to served as the Lord leads.

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