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Welcome to the official website of Outreach God Ministries. Containing informations of Family Praise & Worship center, Family Care and Family Matters radio .
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Apostle Ginette Vialet Celebrates 10th years of ministry.
It's been a decade since Outreach God Ministries first started through social media and mission trips. On this giving Tuesday we ask you to support us to preach and teach Jesus Christ and bring hope to others.
Please click below to give
Thank you for giving.
Outreach God Ministries is Organization founded in 2012 as a non profit corporation; that provides Education Support Services , The Outreach , and to promulgate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to families and communities across US and aboard

Bible Institute Thursday 12/23/21
Today's Topic The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ .
Who's Jesus?
1- Came from Holy Spirit - Son of the Highest. Matthew 1:20
2- Favor of God - Great - First born son of Mary .
and born in the City of David of Bethlehem . Luke 1:30-33-
3- Born in Nazareth in season of Taxed . Luke 2:1-
4- Savior- Christ the Lord that he shall save his people from sins. Matthew 1:21- Luke 2-11
5- Son of 'Abraham - Son of David Matthew 1:1
6- Prosperity of the house and family and of David. Psalms 132:11
7- Emmanuel- God with us Matthew 1:23
8- Good tiding of great joy to all people.